I've gathered my Nana's old canning equipment and I plan on putting up a lot of tomatoes this summer. Plus I started plants for various family members as well. I figure 24 roma plants in two varieties, some cherry tomatoes and a couple of good ole Burpee Big Boys (requested by Papa for his planters). With the exception of some chile plants I ordered, everything is starting from seed. It honestly it never occurred to me to buy plants, it's really outside my experience, but I'm told most first timers go that route.
In addition to the tomatoes we'll be planting lots of herbs, bunching onions, leeks, eggplants, squash, zucchini, carrots, radishes, beets, lettuce, pumpkins and sunflowers. We're doing at least 3 large raised beds totalling almost 200 square feet plus pots and smaller beds around the yard. Hubby and BIL have the assignment of picking up over a half ton of topsoil and a good amount of manure tomorrow so we can start building and prepping the beds. I really enjoy working in the yard and my niece is still at the age where it's fun and not work for her so she's having a blast over here while sis and BIL are at work all day. She's even going to have her very own small bed of flowers to tend.
Now the fun part. I want to know what everyone else is planning on growing this year and I have a little incentive for you. Leave a comment telling me what you are growing this year and you get a chance at this peach quartz whorl drop spindle. It weighs one once so it's better for fairly fine spinning, it's about 9 inches long and the hook is sterling silver. I started making these this past winter, I just love them. I hate to do this part but money is tight so US and Canada only please, the shipping overseas is just not in the budget. I'll pick the winner at random on April 30.

Since I have missed the Arizona gardening season, I am hoping to convert a lot of my yard to desert friendly, low water plants.
Love your blog.
This year, as we're still in a tiny apartment, we will be growing just tomatoes and herbs. We also support a small local farm by picking fruit and canning for the winter.
Love your blog about the garden. My husband built a frame for a raised garden for me last year, and it's been sitting and mellowing with compost over winter.
I plan to grow tomatoes (the big beefy red ones that run with juice when sliced) and my favorite salad lettuces, a few radishes, and some herbs. My favorite lettuce for the mid summer months here (southern Indiana) is one called Long Standing Batavian--It really will stand up to hot summer days without bolting.
The spindle is beautiful. I'd love t know how to make my own. Do you have directions somewhere on the 'net?
sciteacher at Ravelry
I can't resist!! I am growing sweet dumpling squash (lots of it) 3 varieties of early melons, corn, green beans, tomatoes, peppers (sweet and hot) cucumbers....I am sure I am forgetting something! Or some kitchens herbs!
I didn't get a chance to grow anything in the garden (but for some African Daisies and lavender) last year because I was busy growing a baby :).
This year I'll be planting leaf lettuce, carrots, green onions, and we're planting herbs (I think garlic chives, a couple types of basil, oregano, a shrub of rosemary and an urn of mint). I picked up some dahlia roots and some morning glory seeds and as soon as it warms up (consistently) I'll be planting those. I wont be doing too many veggies this year because we have a close friend with a veggie stand and we get stuff from them so we can support the local farmers.
I look forward to seeing pictures of your garden!
shortsleeves on Ravelry
Does keeping my houseplants alive count? I have a croton, a ficus, a scraggly Charlie Brown Christmas pine tree, a container of mixed bulbs (hyacinth, tulips, etc.) Hmm... I'm forgetting some... a flamingo plant, a rubber tree, oh! The miniature orange tree.
I'm also tending my two little raspberry canes. They made a long trip from Maine last fall and are bright green and bushy this spring. Hooray!
I do have plans to build a few raised beds in the back and I'm saving up leaves and compost to do so. But not until I'm done with school.
Whoops, forgot my Rav name - DigitalDurga
I am going to grow some tomato plants that come from seeds from the galapagos islands (at least I think that's where they are from). The fruit is small and yellow and supposedly tastes slightly different. And Passion flowers, always passion flowers.
how beautiful is this i am currently growing tomatoes well the toms arent there yet and some catnip and im waiting on my cucumbers to take off there planted in the house pots because were still having frosty mornings that drop spindle is so beautiful i lurve it
vbarton24 at gmail dot com
This year the planting will be mostly flowers. About ten different varieties of sunflowers to be exact. I love to see them looking so cheery in the summer.
I'll also be helping my grandparents out with their gardening this year. Which means we'll be growing everything under the sun and more. From the basics of tomatoes and herbs, and carrots to whatever new thing my grandfather has taken a notion to try. Corn was the new thing last year. I wonder what this year will be?
Bannahleigh on Ravelry
We plant a huge garden every year and dotons of canning. We plant tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, beets, onions, cukes, parsnips, spuds, squash, pumpkins, beans, peas and more. This year we also planted a cherry and a peach tree and are planning to plant some blueberries!
jennifer (desertgarden on Rav)
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