Thursday, June 18, 2009

Worms Have No Shame

So it's raining...AGAIN and the plants are starting to look a little worse for wear. We need a week of dry weather soon so everything can dry out.

The rain does bring out one thing in the garden that's pretty cool, the worms. Hubby hadn't seen the little garden helpers out in the night rain before so I grabbed a flashlight and brought him out to the garden to see the worms. Well the worms were out got sure but ummmm not like last time.

I proudly shine my flashlight into the garden to show hubby and we see mating worms. That's right all the wormies are getting busy tonight and making little worms. ALL of them. There are right now at least 2 dozen humping worms in the garden bold as brass.

There will be no pictures this evening.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thanks for sparing us the mating worms! ;))