Something weird and interesting happened to me today. If you've ever shopped for teas online at, and if you haven't you should, you might have seen their
Adagio TeaV video reviews of people's individual tea blends. Today one of mine got picked for a funny video review. It's my OMG I can't get to sleep and I have to be somewhere in the morning herbal blend. I called it A Book st Bedtime and
you can see the review here. Buy some! Kidding. Maybe. Anyway it was kind of entertaining to show it to the hubby.
On the garden front I got a bit of work done today. I thinned the lettuces out a bit and I'm pretty much finished planting into the cinder block holes. All that's left is to put up the tomato trellis and finish mulching between the beds. Cool new garden picks below.

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