Saturday, June 6, 2009

The End is Near!

Seriously, the end, the end of the crazy amounts of work getting this garden put together. Today the blueberry bushes went in. I made them a nice bed framed with red brick and tucked them in with some pine bark mulch. They also got a nice dose of fertilizer that should keep them happy until the fall. They look really cool from down the path between the two large veggie beds.

I decided to get some friends for the boxwood that my niece got at the beginning of the week. Rather than have them solo I picked out some friends for them. I'm not a fan of multiple plants all the same all bunched together, hedges give me the heebee-jeebees. I do however like different specimens of the same kind of plants in small groups. Since I had boxwood I decided to get 4 different evergreen shrubs and make two groups of three plants. Each group will have a low, medium and tall shrub and they all have different colors and textures. I'll be planting them tomorrow and over the week and they'll be getting the same red brick as the blueberry bushes.
I love how the garden looks from the deck. I can stand back and see how close it is to being done. I also noticed some little buds on one of the tomato plants on the deck. Buds mean flowers and flowers mean tomatoes.... SOON!!!

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