Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Out with the Old, In with the New...

The new and constant major problems that is, so much for the new year being better than the old. At least Christmas is OVER! Yippee! Hubby and I need a new plan, there was WAY too much traveling and too many events this year, it's just too stressful. We had places to be from the 24th straight through until New Years and it started to suck. I had one day off in all that time and I spent it getting a breast ultrasound, not fun, not as bad as I thought either. On the bright side no cancer, recent boob issues seem to have been caused by stress.

When the doc asked me what was going on in my life so I told him, I got kinda a blank stare in return and "Yeah I'd say that's stressful". I felt like asking him ... What doesn't everyone have their mother-in-law, fall and break her arm, sewage backup in a blizzard, Christmas, and Nana in the hospital, brother-in-law's dad get an 80,000 lien on his house from unpaid property taxes, and Christmas all in a month??? I don't ask, because their next question is.. "Why do they all call you?!" I don't know, they just do. My mother claims it's because I'm the "Family Anchor", I say S*%T rolls downhill.

On the bright side I got a little knitting done last week, my cabled cardigan is almost done. Just needs seeming and buttons. I'm not sure what kind of buttons yet so it's been put aside for a while. I had enough yarn to add a hood rather than the collar from the pattern and make the length 30 inches, I like it a lot. I made it from Classic Elite Wings, my favorite yarn but it's discontinued. I got this charcoal color for 15$ a bag two years ago (yes a BAG of 10) when they had the huge 5th floor sale at the outlet in Lowell, MA. So I made a wool/silk/alpaca hoodie cardigan for 30 bucks ... beat that bargain hunters!

I also got a new sock book from winning a contest in my Knitter's Tea Swap. The post office did something too it, it was way late the the package looked like it took a brief tour through Iraq. It survived mostly in tact save a couple coffee stains but who cares I like the patterns it's a very cool sock book from Sirius Knitting. Thanks!

My next project is underway, I'll get photos up when I'm a bit further along. It's a bulky weight afghan for hubby who swears all the ones I make are "too short". Well I'm a foot shorter than he is so I think they're just fine but he wants one for just him. I took him to the store with me so he could pick the colors for his "Manghan" and we ended up with dark brown, tweeded hunter and tan. It's a striped pattern done in blocks so it looks like a Roman Steps quilt. He always picks something I'd really rather not do like sew a billion blocks together. It won't kill me and it's bulky so it'll go fast. One picky remark though and he's getting a wifey smackdown.

1 comment:

Laura said...

that was some "holiday" - i think you need a break to rest from it!
would you like me to replace the book? will gladly do so!
love your cables there... if you knit something with Crystal Palace yarns, i'm the CP Knit-guru so we can post pics on our blog socks&more and link to you

blessings, :L, laura
drlauraAsirius@gmail.com or proflaura@firststepinternet.com