I finished these tonight. I like them a lot. This pair goes into the Christmas Stash for one of the nephews. I only have 1 more "must get done" pair then I can work on some "would like to get done" ones.
Tomorrow I'm going to introduce my niece to pumpkin carving. She's not quite 2 so no knives for her but I think I have a plan. I'm going to newspaper the whole kitchen floor, cut the top off the pumpkin, and let her have the scooping duties. She's getting to the age where she wants to help a lot and she can take directions now so putting pumpkin guts in a bowl should be just her speed. Hopefully I'll get some cute pictures to for my sister to send to her in-laws, they're so far away they only get to see the little monkey a few times a year. I'm spoiled I get to see her every weekday during the school year.
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