Need help? Look closer. Yep that's a purple dog. Crayola marker purple to be exact. It's discovery what shortly followed by the words "Nana is going to kill you when she gets home".
Thing is, while Crayola makes a great product that washes out of most everything it doesn't seem to wash out of Bichon fur, which is more like hair. Very fine, very soft, usually very WHITE, and very dye friendly. Of course the dog doesn't care she loves the evil little monkey and any game she makes up. My niece doesn't care she loves the dog and purple so she's happy as can be. I don't much care, it's almost Halloween and well, it was kinda funny when it happened because it was really FAST and we were video taping the baby playing with the dog.
My mother, Nana to the evil little monkey and mother to the VERY EXPENSIVE dog that she dresses and carries around in a bag is MAD. Mostly because she just paid 75$ to have doggy groomed less than a week ago and now she has purple racing stripes.
The whole thing went down something like this. My husband says "lets tape them playing." "Look how cute." "They're best friends." "Is that a MARKER?!" "IS THE CAP OFF?!?!" "OH MY GOD SHE'S GOT PURPLE STRIPES!"

So really it was just another day around here in the bizarro world I call my life. Did I mention someone broke into my brother-in-law's car last night to steal ... wait for it... it's so strange .... a box of diapers! Somewhere in Lowell, MA someone took the time to steal a box of diapers out of the trunk of a POS old Toyota and left the stereo and anything else of value. Even the cop was confused. So if you ever park in Lowell don't leave diapers in your car. Heck, just don't park on the street in Lowell if you can avoid it, there's a gang of weirdos in desperate need of diapers roaming the streets there and the cops have no leads.
On the bright side my swap shopping is going nicely, got tea, got goodies, gotta plan to go shopping for the last few things I want to put in there on Saturday.
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