Not quite? OK, I can make it couple more days. Hmmm I haven't posted in a week, let's do a quick recap...
I was supposed to sleep late, first time in months, my crazy grandmother let herself into my house to complain about dad and woke me up early anyway.
I went to a brutally SLOW craft show that went until 8pm, sales sucked.
I went BACK to the brutally slow craft show, it still sucked. Someone hit my van in the parking lot and left without leaving a note. They also screwed it up big time and locked the real wheels. I waited 2 hours in the dark and the rain for a tow truck.
The final day of the craft show, it still sucked. I dropped mom off at the airport before I went in the hopes that she could find a van to get all dad's stock home. Mom got lost on the way to the show, I threw my phone at a policeman and said she was driving me insane. he calmly gave her directions. I gave him free stuff because he was so nice and putting up with wrong-way-mom is so NOT in his job description, he tried to refuse, I insisted. Some F*&$%#G A^&U&%E ripped some poor woman's rear hatch off in the parking lot because he was too stubborn to wait 10 seconds to leave. He laughed when he got out of his car and everyone had to wait while the police took a report. I yelled at him for being a subhuman, empathy lacking, self centered, waste of carbon. We finally got to leave the craft show. The Red Sox won the World Series.
I did the receipts for the weekend. Had Chinese food for dinner, I was too tired to cook.
Had my niece overnight so my brother-in-law could surprise my sister with tickets to a show. We carved a pumpkin and she had too many bubbles in the tubby. She went to bed without too too much fuss. She slept straight through the night.
Halloween! My niece loved her fairy princess costume and handing out candy. We gave out giant pixie sitx, I think some parents stole them from their kids. Some parents know no shame and asked for one too, it was fun. My hubby followed my niece, sister, mother and Tilly dog all over the neighborhood with the video camera. Everyone's exhausted, and happy.
Soon it will be Saturday, I will have a day off. My brain will work normally again.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Good, the Bad, and the @$^&%#* Dog

Now, the bad, I broke 8 of 10 fingernails today cleaning the stove. I HATE breaking them, they never get really long but at least I can usually get them about a 1/4 inch past my fingertips. It's just annoying that I'm the ONLY one who seems to clean around here. On the bright side the stove is shiny and like-new spotless, at least until morning when someone burns something again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Socks, Socks, Socks

I still have a couple things left on my list to knit but I've got 2 more months so I should be OK. I want to knit a sweater for my 2 yr old niece. Baby ones are fast, so that should only take a week of evenings. A dog sweater for Mom's Bichon, also a quickie. Last but not least, more felted catnip mice for my sister's three cats. They LOVE the felt catnip mice. It took them all year to rip the heads off last year's batch. I think it's because the texture of the felt is pretty close to the texture of a real mouse but I'm not going to check. Is it sick that I feel bad we didn't get any field mice in the house this year for them to hunt when they visit? They just look so proud when they catch them and present them, it's adorable.
We'll have them a couple weeks this winter while my sis and her hubby go on vacation. Amazingly, they adapt well to switching houses several times a year. Hopefully the dog we had to put down's smell is out of the house now. Last time kitties came to visit one of them spent a week sniffing and mewing in Roo's usual spots. He didn't understand where she was, it was really sad. Odd though, he's the cat who always messed with her and he was the one to really missed her most.
It will be fun to see the Bichon put "back in her place" by the female cat. Kitties have their favorite perches at this house and they decided last time that this new interloper was a little big for her britches. Acadia is phased by NOTHING. She has her favorite perch on the back of the sofa to look out the window and no puppy is going to move her. Last time she was in her spot and Tilly was right behind her barking up a storm and got NO REACTION, not even a glance of acknowledgement. Not too many cats are stubborn enough to ignore a barking dog 6 inches behind them, Acadia she's gotta set of brass ones. Also Acadia loved Roo, she even slept with her doggy cousin at night when she was down here and I don't think she was happy Roo was gone and there was a new, and annoyingly loud, puppy.
Monday, October 22, 2007
My First Sourdough Rye

Rye breads have always given me problems, bad rise, bad texture, less than RYE flavor but I was determined to beat it. The first loaf was a disaster but the second one, traditional shape was good enough to be eaten in two days by the family. This one is sandwich shaped by request and I think it's just lovely.
I started the sponges last night and let them go through the first rise during the Red Sox game. Once I got them shaped and into the pans I covered them and stuck them in the fridge over night to really slow down the second rise, it's supposed to make the bread even more sour. I let them come to temp for a couple hours on the counter this morning then into the oven they went. I was surprised now nicely the rye loaf rose. I'm thinking the fridge trick might be part of it but more experiments are required. Meanwhile I finally got a good rise out of a rye and a sourdough one at that so I'll be doing the happy bread dance for the rest of the afternoon.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
It's Almost Halloween
I was at the Classic Elite factory store today and I brought a treat to my niece on the way. Yummy gingerbread muffin, she was very excited. She's NOT spoiled! We're trying to teach her to say "trick or treat" there's not much time left before Halloween. Her costume is all finished just have to finish the dog's, she's going trick-or-treating with her. They're so cute together.
I got my huge box of stuff from King Arthur Flour Thursday. I made my first loaf of pumpernickel bread. It came out great and it's almost gone already. Everyone wanted sandwiches for lunch and supper. I'm going to try to make a sourdough version tomorrow. My new starter is bubbling away happily. It's had three feedings since I got it so it should be good to go. It was so satisfying to toss a ton of old pans. Anything not going to AZ with the parents when they move is now fair game. A little at a time it should be manageable. I don't want to end up renting a dumpster when we buy the house because they've gone and left behind 40 years of junk even they don't want anymore. I come from a clan of packrats.
Tomorrow is for sewing and baking, at least until the baseball game. Then it's snacking and relaxing. I can only hope that if they win they don't tear the city apart. People up here get a little nutty with the Sox. OK, they get a little nutty and a LOT DRUNK. Hubby has to drive into Boston Monday morning for work and I don't want him to have to sit in traffic and take 8 detours because the city's turned into a cage-free zoo of drunken primates. There's been some bad incidents over the years, it's like the Darwin awards.
Boston is weird. New Englanders are weird. I noticed something tonight that outlines the weirdness. All popular songs about Boston are about how Boston sucks. Who celebrates suckage?? We do! Two glaring examples are 'Dirty Water' and 'Charlie on the MTA'. Every Red Sox game they play 'Dirty Water' and everyone sings. No one notices they're singing about how famously nasty and polluted the Charles River was, still kinda is, but it's better. Yay everyone sing a song about swimming in a sewer!! Gross and ... well weird.
'Charlie on the MTA' is about how some poor working stiff has to stay on the train forever because the rates went up after he boarded and he can't afford the exit fee. Seriously, they're celebrating that it's painfully expensive to live around here. Think that's weird?? Try this. They finally went from tokens to swipe card passes for the trains and trolleys and they call them CHARLIE CARDS! Right on the front is a drawing of good ole Charlie who's been on the freakin' T for about 60 years now. Weird.
Combine this mentality with Boston being the only city where you'll get directions that include the words "take the illegal left turn..." and you get a taste of what it's like to grow up here... and why people so passionately LOVE growing up here. We're weird. it's fun!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Mutts and Moms SUCKS!
Anyone who would take a dog away from children needs a serious dose of empathy and common sense. All this BS about not giving small dogs to small children and having to return a dog to a rescue rather than finding it a good home where you can still visit just rubs me the wrong way.
First off small dogs and small children get along great same as big dogs and small children. Kids and dogs go together. My mother's Bichon puppy and my 22 mo. old niece are inseparable all day. Yeah, there's a learning curve. Tilly needed to learn not to nip Tala and Tala needed to learn not to pull on Tilly's ears, took a week of extra monitoring, not a huge investment. Now, they watch out for each other and share everything from binkys to lunch.
When Tala takes a tumble, as toddlers do, Tilly rushes to bring her toys, bottles, anything she knows Tala likes to soothe her. When Tilly's bowl is empty Tala has been known to try and get the dog food bag to fill it up again (I am glad she can't quite reach the water dispenser on the fridge). I once found Tala starting to swing from the drapes Tarzan style from the back of the sofa but Tilly was stopping her buy grabbing on to the back of her pants by the waistband and holding fast. Even at this young age they watch out for each other.
As for returning the dog to the rescue rather than finding it a good home I call BS on that. Their argument is that sometimes these animals end up back on the streets. If they gave the dog to someone who would do this, didn't they fail to find a good home in the first place? Anyone who takes the time and expense to get a dog from a shelter, go through the interview and application process should have proven enough trust to find a home for an animal should things not work out. Sometimes things just don't work out, particularly when there are already pets in a household. There's really no predicting it.
All the TV stuff aside these women are shrill and mean. I wouldn't trust anyone who would so strictly adhere to rules that they tear a beloved dog from children. It's damaging to the kids and to the dog. Aren't they supposed to be worried about the dog, at the least?
I've always had reservations about some of these private rescues as opposed the the local ASPCA or Humane Society. There is always a story about some woman who "just wanted to save animals" getting arrested because the neighbors couldn't take the smell and called the Health Department. Some of these people are just weird. They have so little in their lives, or worse a mental illness, that they exert control over these animals as a last ditch effort to salvage some sense of self worth.
Every dog my family has ever owned has come from the MSPCA or from someone who got a dog and couldn't keep it for whatever reason. They've all had very long, very happy lives, and I cannot imagine what I would have done had someone shown up at my door to take one of them because they were second hand. Someone probably would have gotten seriously hurt.
We just had to put down a dog after a wonderful 16 years and when we're ready my husband and I will be adopting another one. After seeing what these private rescues are really like, we won't even be considering a dog from one of them. We'll stick to the MSPCA and wait until there's a dog there that fits with our family. Maybe we'll just luck into one, like Mom's Bichon, she came from the dentist's office.
First off small dogs and small children get along great same as big dogs and small children. Kids and dogs go together. My mother's Bichon puppy and my 22 mo. old niece are inseparable all day. Yeah, there's a learning curve. Tilly needed to learn not to nip Tala and Tala needed to learn not to pull on Tilly's ears, took a week of extra monitoring, not a huge investment. Now, they watch out for each other and share everything from binkys to lunch.
When Tala takes a tumble, as toddlers do, Tilly rushes to bring her toys, bottles, anything she knows Tala likes to soothe her. When Tilly's bowl is empty Tala has been known to try and get the dog food bag to fill it up again (I am glad she can't quite reach the water dispenser on the fridge). I once found Tala starting to swing from the drapes Tarzan style from the back of the sofa but Tilly was stopping her buy grabbing on to the back of her pants by the waistband and holding fast. Even at this young age they watch out for each other.
As for returning the dog to the rescue rather than finding it a good home I call BS on that. Their argument is that sometimes these animals end up back on the streets. If they gave the dog to someone who would do this, didn't they fail to find a good home in the first place? Anyone who takes the time and expense to get a dog from a shelter, go through the interview and application process should have proven enough trust to find a home for an animal should things not work out. Sometimes things just don't work out, particularly when there are already pets in a household. There's really no predicting it.
All the TV stuff aside these women are shrill and mean. I wouldn't trust anyone who would so strictly adhere to rules that they tear a beloved dog from children. It's damaging to the kids and to the dog. Aren't they supposed to be worried about the dog, at the least?
I've always had reservations about some of these private rescues as opposed the the local ASPCA or Humane Society. There is always a story about some woman who "just wanted to save animals" getting arrested because the neighbors couldn't take the smell and called the Health Department. Some of these people are just weird. They have so little in their lives, or worse a mental illness, that they exert control over these animals as a last ditch effort to salvage some sense of self worth.
Every dog my family has ever owned has come from the MSPCA or from someone who got a dog and couldn't keep it for whatever reason. They've all had very long, very happy lives, and I cannot imagine what I would have done had someone shown up at my door to take one of them because they were second hand. Someone probably would have gotten seriously hurt.
We just had to put down a dog after a wonderful 16 years and when we're ready my husband and I will be adopting another one. After seeing what these private rescues are really like, we won't even be considering a dog from one of them. We'll stick to the MSPCA and wait until there's a dog there that fits with our family. Maybe we'll just luck into one, like Mom's Bichon, she came from the dentist's office.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Bichons are NOT Purple...

Need help? Look closer. Yep that's a purple dog. Crayola marker purple to be exact. It's discovery what shortly followed by the words "Nana is going to kill you when she gets home".
Thing is, while Crayola makes a great product that washes out of most everything it doesn't seem to wash out of Bichon fur, which is more like hair. Very fine, very soft, usually very WHITE, and very dye friendly. Of course the dog doesn't care she loves the evil little monkey and any game she makes up. My niece doesn't care she loves the dog and purple so she's happy as can be. I don't much care, it's almost Halloween and well, it was kinda funny when it happened because it was really FAST and we were video taping the baby playing with the dog.
My mother, Nana to the evil little monkey and mother to the VERY EXPENSIVE dog that she dresses and carries around in a bag is MAD. Mostly because she just paid 75$ to have doggy groomed less than a week ago and now she has purple racing stripes.
The whole thing went down something like this. My husband says "lets tape them playing." "Look how cute." "They're best friends." "Is that a MARKER?!" "IS THE CAP OFF?!?!" "OH MY GOD SHE'S GOT PURPLE STRIPES!"

So really it was just another day around here in the bizarro world I call my life. Did I mention someone broke into my brother-in-law's car last night to steal ... wait for it... it's so strange .... a box of diapers! Somewhere in Lowell, MA someone took the time to steal a box of diapers out of the trunk of a POS old Toyota and left the stereo and anything else of value. Even the cop was confused. So if you ever park in Lowell don't leave diapers in your car. Heck, just don't park on the street in Lowell if you can avoid it, there's a gang of weirdos in desperate need of diapers roaming the streets there and the cops have no leads.
On the bright side my swap shopping is going nicely, got tea, got goodies, gotta plan to go shopping for the last few things I want to put in there on Saturday.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Car Sold!
Finally! I'm off shopping restriction! OK, not like a millionaire but I can have some fun money now. I have a list of things I want at King Arthur Flour, now that the cool weather is here I can bake bread again without heating up the house. Home baked wheat bread is soooooooooooooo much better than anything from the store, and a lot cheaper. You also get to put just what you like in a loaf as far as oats, seeds, and grains.
I've been dying for some new baking pans since I've yet to unpack most of my wedding gifts, yes 3 years later, and I've been using my mother's 30 yr old pans. If she would just RETIRE already and take Dad out west where he wants to be, I wouldn't have to share the kitchen and I could really unpack. My greatest fear is that they won't take all of their stuff with them when they finally go.
I think my mother is afraid of retirement, she's too used to having a secretary to clean up after her at work and, since dad got sick, me at home. Before that it was my Nana, I've checked, Mom's always been a SLOB, the clean gene seems to skip a generation. My parents have been married for almost 40 years and my mother STILL has stuff in her parent's garage. The sick thing? She used to tell us kids that it was our fault when the house was a wreck, and we believed her until college. Some people are just wired to put something down wherever they happen to be when they are done with it. There's something odd about saying to a parent, "you're not going to just leave that there are you?"
At least I get to do some shopping. I'm in a swap and I'm excited, picking out and packing goodies is a blast.
I've been dying for some new baking pans since I've yet to unpack most of my wedding gifts, yes 3 years later, and I've been using my mother's 30 yr old pans. If she would just RETIRE already and take Dad out west where he wants to be, I wouldn't have to share the kitchen and I could really unpack. My greatest fear is that they won't take all of their stuff with them when they finally go.
I think my mother is afraid of retirement, she's too used to having a secretary to clean up after her at work and, since dad got sick, me at home. Before that it was my Nana, I've checked, Mom's always been a SLOB, the clean gene seems to skip a generation. My parents have been married for almost 40 years and my mother STILL has stuff in her parent's garage. The sick thing? She used to tell us kids that it was our fault when the house was a wreck, and we believed her until college. Some people are just wired to put something down wherever they happen to be when they are done with it. There's something odd about saying to a parent, "you're not going to just leave that there are you?"
At least I get to do some shopping. I'm in a swap and I'm excited, picking out and packing goodies is a blast.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I Don't Like Being Serious on Here but...
August 1939, prior to the invasion of Poland, Adolf Hitler said :
"I have issued the command -- and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad -- that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness -- for the present only in the East -- with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space [Lebensraum] which we need. Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians?"
Not the Turkish Government
Not the ADL
Not President Bush
Not the US Congress
For this they should be ashamed.
Learn More
"I have issued the command -- and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad -- that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness -- for the present only in the East -- with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space [Lebensraum] which we need. Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians?"
Not the Turkish Government
Not the ADL
Not President Bush
Not the US Congress
For this they should be ashamed.
Learn More
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I Hate Frogging

I worked on my niece's Halloween costume this weekend. Isn't it cute? The hem is the last step on the dress and I made the wand today. OK, I put pink paint and glitter on a dowel but once I put a stuffed topper out of leftover fabric on the end it'll be a wand. I'll do the wings when I get a chance they're easy, make a casing and stuff in the wire.
I've been good about the not spending lately, that's why I'm waiting on buying needles. I'm doing a swap though, spending money on OTHER people doesn't count! It sounds stupid but hubby bought it so it's approved. I've already started gathering things up that are local and I'm trying to get hubby to grab some stuff at work if he can. He works at a VERY representative place to out locale so I'm crossing my fingers. I hope I get a swap buddy from far away, makes it even more fun. I love packing goodie boxes.
I have tomorrow free of the baby, YAY! School holidays rock for auntie-daycare, my sister teaches so when she's off so am I. I'm not complaining, I love watching the little monkey but I need a break, the terrible twos are getting to me. Friday I had to separate her and the puppy, they were fighting over a toy. There was ear and tail pulling, pushing and one little nip. Of course once they were apart they immediately started crying for one another. The baby calling out for the dog and the dog crying and howling.
I think I'll make soap tomorrow since I have the house to myself. It's been too long and I'm a little behind. Besides I want to make a few experimental batches before Christmas.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Who is Hurt by Bootleg DVDs and Illegal Downloads?
Me! Yeppers me, me, me. I do not feel bad for Jammie Thomas, Fox News , not one little bit. Our heath insurance is going up again and the benefits are headed south. Why? Why else? Money.
Now before you say "it only hurts the big, mean, nasty record companies and movie studios" ... STOP, you're just wrong. You're wrong because of residuals and media unions. My husband is in one of the media unions and our insurance is through it.
Performers don't get paid just the day they show up, they also get income when something is aired, put on DVD or CD, or downloaded. It may seem small, and really the performers cut is small, but it adds up. This is how people can afford to live and maintain insurance between jobs, most media jobs are not 9-5.
I'm not talking about big stars. I'm talking about the work-a-day actors, voice actors and a lot of behind the scenes people. When someone gets income from a performance or residual they pay into a Health and Retirement program, Pension Fund, etc., just like most everyone else. So when you buy a bootleg DVD, illegally download something or otherwise steal media you aren't screwing the "big bad corporations", they already have plenty of money. You're screwing me and my family.
The less money everyone pays into the collective funds, the more expensive heath insurance gets for us all. It also gets harder to negotiate contracts for fair wages. These companies can cry poverty because of all the lost revenue and use that as an excuse to pay people less. Not everyone who works is radio, TV, films, etc. makes the big bucks, the vast majority barely make a living. They work for a union negotiated MINIMUM.
So the next time you see a folding table of cheap bootleg DVDs and CDs on the sidewalk do me a favor, don't buy one and call the cops. Next time you think it's not worth $1.99 to download a song you can steal for free, think about someone waiting too long to see a doctor because the co-pays went up again. Don't even get me started on the Chinese imports on eBay.
Now before you say "it only hurts the big, mean, nasty record companies and movie studios" ... STOP, you're just wrong. You're wrong because of residuals and media unions. My husband is in one of the media unions and our insurance is through it.
Performers don't get paid just the day they show up, they also get income when something is aired, put on DVD or CD, or downloaded. It may seem small, and really the performers cut is small, but it adds up. This is how people can afford to live and maintain insurance between jobs, most media jobs are not 9-5.
I'm not talking about big stars. I'm talking about the work-a-day actors, voice actors and a lot of behind the scenes people. When someone gets income from a performance or residual they pay into a Health and Retirement program, Pension Fund, etc., just like most everyone else. So when you buy a bootleg DVD, illegally download something or otherwise steal media you aren't screwing the "big bad corporations", they already have plenty of money. You're screwing me and my family.
The less money everyone pays into the collective funds, the more expensive heath insurance gets for us all. It also gets harder to negotiate contracts for fair wages. These companies can cry poverty because of all the lost revenue and use that as an excuse to pay people less. Not everyone who works is radio, TV, films, etc. makes the big bucks, the vast majority barely make a living. They work for a union negotiated MINIMUM.
So the next time you see a folding table of cheap bootleg DVDs and CDs on the sidewalk do me a favor, don't buy one and call the cops. Next time you think it's not worth $1.99 to download a song you can steal for free, think about someone waiting too long to see a doctor because the co-pays went up again. Don't even get me started on the Chinese imports on eBay.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I Will Not Go to Classic Elite this Weekend!

I will not go, I will not go, I will not go.... Once again the guy who was supposed to buy my old Ford Taurus failed to show up. I want to get rid of this car! Don't get me wrong, it's a nice car but I don't need it and I don't want to pay to insure and store it if it isn't getting used. I certainly don't want to shovel a spot for it come the snow. Plus I promised myself I wouldn't buy any yarn or new baking stuff until I sold it. If he doesn't show by Friday I'm giving to the next best offer, I'm tired of waiting.
I'm being responsible, it stinks. But the credit card is too high from 2 years of vet bills and medications for Roo, my poor dog, and it has to come down BEFORE the Christmas shopping starts. As much as I loved her I'm a little mad at her that she sucked all my money and then we had to put her to sleep anyway for the one thing we couldn't treat. Though you can't put a price on 16 years, yes 16, of love and loyalty. She was the best dog.
What's killing me is that I haven't been the Classic Elite factory in months. For those not from Eastern Massachusetts, Classic Elite yarns is in Lowell, MA, 15 minutes away from me and 3 blocks from my sister's house. They have a real factory store, in a factory building, you have to go in a freight elevator up to the 4th floor and the area is a little sketchy but ohhhhhh the prices. It's actually my closest LYS, I admit it, I'm spoiled. One and a while they have a sale, we're talking a long plus-sized cabled Duchess cardigan for 80 bucks kinda sale, shhhhh it's for one my sisters for Christmas. I once got a cone of Premiere, enough for a whole lace sweater for 11 dollars. I want to try the new alpaca sock yarn they have but I can't until the stupid car sells! Oh well patience is a virtue.
I think I'm loving these gloves I'm working on lately. I don't need another pair of gloves but the yarn just wanted to be gloves and the peacock iridescent beads match so well (they look much better than they photographed) I had to do it. Not too bad for a pattern I'm making up as I go. This time I remembered to take notes so the other glove will be the same for a change.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I Need to Find Family with Smaller Feet

I finished these tonight. I like them a lot. This pair goes into the Christmas Stash for one of the nephews. I only have 1 more "must get done" pair then I can work on some "would like to get done" ones.
Tomorrow I'm going to introduce my niece to pumpkin carving. She's not quite 2 so no knives for her but I think I have a plan. I'm going to newspaper the whole kitchen floor, cut the top off the pumpkin, and let her have the scooping duties. She's getting to the age where she wants to help a lot and she can take directions now so putting pumpkin guts in a bowl should be just her speed. Hopefully I'll get some cute pictures to for my sister to send to her in-laws, they're so far away they only get to see the little monkey a few times a year. I'm spoiled I get to see her every weekday during the school year.
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