Saturday, September 22, 2007

What Can You Do While the Cable Guy Goes Nuts?

Well I made a whole hat. Yep, either I'm the worlds fastest knitter he took a REALLY long time. More like a combination of both. Took the poor guy 3 hours, 2 cans of Coke, 4 calls to the office and 1 attempt by my niece to trade her stuffed pig for his wire strippers to get the cable upgraded yesterday. Comcast, fearing Verizon's arrival in town, decided to offer everyone a bundle two weeks ago, our uber-cable package, DVR, phone and broadband for about 60 bucks less a month than we're paying now if we opted in for a year.

Of course being Comcast nothing went smoothly. It's not the poor installers fault, his work order was wrong and we have some funny old wiring plus we were only converting one phone line in the house to the broadband phone. I don't want to lose a land-line just yet and this seems to have thrown everyone for a loop, even though I went over it thoroughly with the girl who came to the door with the offer. Ok, I admit it I grilled her like a salmon, but I thought she got it in the end. Needless to say the poor installer who came to do the work had a hard day. He was very nice, very patient and I must add one of the best they've ever sent out here. I'm blaming the office for the snafus.

So what do I do in the meantime? I knit a hat from the new Fall Knitty. I used some handspun from my stash and added a picot bind off. It went really fast I was surprised. I have enough yarn left to make a matching scarf in the lace pattern and maybe mittens for a complete set. It's all going into the Christmas stash. With 8 nieces and nephews, my sisters, their husbands, my husband's 4 siblings and their spouses it's a BIG stash by December.

Now it's time to see if I can figure out how to set the new DVR to record my anime tonight. Wish me luck.

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