Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Hate Being Sick

I thought it was so cute when my niece wanted to share her soup with me on Monday. I feed her, she wanted to return the courtesy. Except, the very next day, she came down with one nasty cold. Tuesday I was OK, Wednesday I was fine, Thursday I chocked it up the seasonal allergies and Friday I was in denial. Saturday and today .... I'm SICK. I rarely get sick so I'm not very good at it. My husband has taken to chasing me with a ruler and the threat of a swat every time I dare get out of bed. There is just too much I KNOW isn't getting done while I'm down with a cold. I made a list, I hope at least some of it got done while I was napping away all afternoon in a NyQuil induced coma. At least I put some emergency meals in the deep freeze so I don't have to cook for at least a couple days. Leftovers will also be on the menu.

At least I negotiated some computer time and my knitting basket into my quarantine. Tomorrow I'm going to try the evil, yucky, burns your throat and nose, ginger cure. Tonight I'm a hot white needle tea and lots of lemon girl.

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