Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Took a Weekend Off

Finally, and mostly because I'm still a little sick, I took a whole weekend off. For me this is quite rare and I did cave and do a few hours of "work" but the rest of the time I did NOTHING. I even have tomorrow off as my sister took the day off and my niece doesn't need watching all day.

I think I'll work on her and the dog's Halloween costumes. They're both going as fairy princesses all in shades of pink. At least the dog is a Bichon, they're not "quite" as strange to dress up in a Halloween costume and for some reason they don't seem to mind wearing them.

The new sock pattern for my knit along group is coming out tomorrow but I can't play this time around. I'm broke for a while so no yarn purchases for me. I have other things to work on though so it won't be too bad.

My happy thought for the day...there's a new "American Dad" on tonight. I know it's crass, rude, offensive and juvenile but... that's why I love it!

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