At least I hope so. I've been brutally busy lately and at the end of the day all I want to do is plop on the couch and stare at the TV. This is not like me at all really and I think it's been the weather. I hate the muggy August weather and it drives my allergies to insane levels and I think it effects my sleep. Today it was warm, dry and lovely out and last night it was quite cool and I slept like a rock. Today I worked in the garden, made veggie lasagna from scratch and even threw together a peach caramel sauce for the ice cream we had for dessert.
So what have I been doing to be so busy? Mostly saving the garden from the ravages of the June and July weather. My sworn enemy is fungus. I'm finally on top of it now and now that it's almost gone the garden is back on track.

Even the hot peppers have managed to pull through and are growing like crazy. I hope they have enough time to fruit before the frost kills them. I may try bringing them inside if they're close come fall. While the grow lamp I keep for seed starting aren't anywhere near sunlight they might be enough to ripen up peppers that are close.

The CSA has been crazy the past couple weeks. I've given up on trying to photograph the whole share, it's far too much. So sis has been taking her half home and I've been managing to fit my half within the frame. The fruit shares have started and for two weeks it's been peaches and blueberries YUM.
Week 5

Week 6

I've also decided that a good place for my camera is in the basket where I keep my weeding tools. I've gotten a few really neat photos in the past week. That's all I can think of for now, hopefully I won't go so long between posts.

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