Now before anyone goes into how to avoid poison ivy, I already know, I didn't get it myself but second hand from the hubby. Well not directly from hubby but it was indeed because of hubby. Hubby was doing some yard work in the way back of the yard and broke my cardinal rule. He didn't strip naked at the door and toss his clothes into the basement the very second he walked into the house. I have this rule for a very good reason, we're fighting a never ending war with poison ivy while we clear the back and it's been going on for years, even before we met an married it was a problem (this used to be Mom and Dad's house) and it was and it a big problem.
So when hubby came back in the house I was still asleep and he decided to check his email. He checked his email but sitting with his poison ivy oil covered jeans on the fabric chair at the desk. The chair now had a lovely supply of poison ivy oil right on the edge where the back of your knees touch it. So the next morning when we were in jammie shorts we both sat on the chair and three days later we had an itchy surprise. We both have it right on the backs of our knees.
On the bright side I figured it out fast enough to wash down the chair several times with lots of soap and while wearing gloves so we don't get exposed again. Still I'd like to strangle him with a poison ivy vine for the brain fart that made him forget the through the door drop trou rule.

The other thing, while not gross is still annoying, that is my sprained wrist. See the cool brace? All the cool kids are wearing them. I somehow sprained it while sleeping, I suspect it was by hooking my thumb in the blankies then rolling over or something else equally as odd. This one is all my fault because instead of taking it easy, as soon as it would feel better I'd be out in the yard working and the next day it was hurting all over again. I finally decided to put a brace on it and not do any yard work for a few days until it heals up significantly. Everyone has orders to stop me if I pick up any yard implements because I'm not so good at "taking it easy" and this thing has gone on too long.
It looks like we found a used car, it was my Nana's car before she passed away last summer. We'll be taking it off my Papa's hands tomorrow and while it's more than we wanted to spend it's a good car that I know has been meticulously maintained and has very low mileage. My only worry is that I know it's going to smell like Nana's perfume and I'm afraid I'll start to cry. Hubby said he'd clean the upholstery so the scent isn't there as soon as we get home, so I guess he's sorta forgiven for the poison ivy because that's very sweet and wonderfully understanding of him to do.
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