I really hate it when things I enjoy start to suck. I hate it even more when the suckage was completely avoidable. I hate it the most when the suckage gives people who otherwise could be completely written off as insane an actual, rational, reasonable point. I'm looking at you Ravelry.
This month marks the first mass bannings in Ravelry history. It all started with a right wing nut job group being disbanded for being a pain in the neck. There was the usual whining, teeth gnashing and blogging as well as the inevitable starting of their own little off site group. Seriously, who cares. Then things took a turn I don't like so much.
First off there was a lack of transparency on Ravelry, that sort of thing always bothers me but that's my issue, I can handle it. Then came the mass banning with no warning. This bothered me a little, some people got axed by accident but it was going to get straightened out. Then things took a turn I really didn't like with the "lawyer letters" vs. the site "site statement". They didn't quite gel.
On the one hand you have Ravelry claiming that people were banned for being disruptive and on the other you have the banned claiming it was for associations and political beliefs. Well knowing how nutty right wingers can act I wanted to give Ravelry the benefit of the doubt until I saw people posting the "lawyer letter" on some personal blogs.
"We have compiled numerous examples of certain users, including you, from the offending website using our Website’s posting, flagging, and voting features, amongst other tactics, to disrupt and harass our legitimate and serious users."
OK, seriously, this bugs me a LOT. Mostly because, with the possible exception of the last bit, there's a very large and very popular group of "Gawkers" who does this every single day and they are sill live and kicking on Ravelry. In the interest of full disclosure I'm going to admit I despise them every bit as much as the right wing nutters. They are like a pack of jackals who attack then retreat into the safety of their own little group the rules of which both protect the members and restrict the recourse of their targets. Additionally, there seems to be an inordinate number of moderators who are members of this little clique so if you have an issue good luck, they stick together. They basically have an untouchable status.
"However, I will advise that if you were a member of www.bunkerboard.com we will not consider your appeal."
WHAT?! Guilt by association? Seriously? So much for the benefit of the doubt I was giving Ravelry, this bit really sucks. It sucks because it give an actual, valid, reasonable point for those damned right wing nuts to make!!!! I don't want them to have a valid point to make but now they do and it SUCKS! The "Gawkers" have an off site, members only, not so secret chat and they get to stay but this group gets nailed for the same thing? I don't want to agree with the right wing zealots but they have an actual point now, dammit!
Lastly, carbon credits. Where do I even start? OK, here goes, carbon credits are BULLSH*T! Seriously, I'm a dyed in the blue, from the bluest state, CSA joining, food not lawn planting, Sean Hannity's the devil incarnate, LIBERAL but, I'm sorry, carbon credits are stupid. Taking excess donations to Ravelry and buying carbon credits was bound to annoy right wing donators, they really HATE carbon credits ( not for the right reasons, mind you ) and I'm not surprised some people took this as a slap in the face.
I like the idea of donating extra funds a lot but there are really a lot of better places the money could have gone besides a completely unregulated, oversight free, give us money to alleviate your guilt, scam like carbon credits. How about a local ( for me Ravelry is local btw ) charity for the poor like Bread and Roses. The economy is in the toilet and they could really use the help. If you wanted to give money to help out the environment why not a local organization like the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution? They can always use a little extra cash I'm sure and they have great educational programs. How about Cape Wind? Anything but stupid carbon credits.
I'm really disappointed in the way in which this whole ordeal was handled. It taints Ravelry and has me thinking about my opinion of both the site and the owners and that makes me sort of sad. I liked the idea of a free sprinted, fun, mature, silly, down to earth site and now, I'm not so sure that's what Ravelry is. Left wing nuts are just as vile as the right wing nuts but to treat one group differently really rubs me the wrong way. It flat out sucks.
Here's the thing.... I keep trying to decide if it's a good idea to post this on the web at all. I guess I'm mostly disappointed and disillusioned at this point and I hate that feeling. I guess I expected more, different and better from people I had come to respect a great deal. I'm also not sure I want to leave Ravelry, I'm still hopeful all sides will pull the sticks out of their rear ends long enough to come to a fair and rational conclusion. They way things have progressed lately, there's now a little part of my brain that's afraid I'll get banned if someone takes issue with my opinions. Yes, I'm afraid having a contrary opinion will get me booted from an otherwise amazing knitting site..... and that sucks most of all.
Very insightful and well thought-out post. I enjoyed reading your opinion on this matter and appreciate your ability to see both sides.
Thank you for having the courage and the foresight to see things as they are and not how you're "supposed" to see them. Even though you espouse to be a "liberal", you come across as a very fair, thoughtful person who has the intelligence to see and understand both sides of the story.
Thank you very much for being fair-minded about it. It's an attitude we could all use these day.
You are an example of someone who thinks critically and comes to a logical decision, without allowing emotion and "taking sides" to cloud your thoughts.
I pretty much love you, and wish there were more like you on Rav.
As one who has been accused of being a trouble maker, and each side has their opinion about it, I appreciate you taking the time to look at the issue from both sides, and posting about it. I would hope that Ravelry can bounce back from this.
In hind sight, I should have avoided the forums, but then I wouldn't have met some wonderful ladies and gentlemen, those right-wing nutjobs! So I can't say I am sorry it's led to this. I'd rather be banned with the Bunker Babes, they stay at Ravelry wondering when the next shoe will drop.
Thank you for this.
Imagine living in a city where everyone is conservative and people tell you, "Oh, you know how those liberals are," and everyone assumes you think just like them. That's my experience with liberals in my city. I used to be moderate but the zeal of the far left has brought me more to the right. I require balance. Our group provided a place where I could vent without worrying about hurting feelings. Unfortunately, we had the opposing group looming over our heads and they have free reign. Outside of that group, you would never know my political leanings. In and out of that group, I never said anything a normal person would find objectionable anyway.
Well...that said, you're entitled to believe we were nutjobs. At least you can see the error in Casey and his lawyer's decisions. If we did anything beyond what the average member already does, we would own up to it.
If this blog has the same sn as your Ravelry account, I would suggest backing up whatever you have at Ravelry just in case. Also, do not visit Ravelry from this website or he will assume it is you.
Take care of yourself.
I'm someone you would likely label as a "right wing nut job" and I dislike carbon credits for the same reasons you do! Believe me conservatives don't hate the environment and want to destroy the earth :-)
Thank you for an insightful review of the situation!
Thank you so much for your post. I know it's from a while ago, but I didn't see it until now. I appreciate how you were willing to look at both sides of the issue.
I am, most certainly, one of those "right-wing nutjobs" who was banned, and I accept the label and the punishment as a badge of honor. God bless you, fair liberal, for your honesty and insight. Ravelry, and America, needs more people like you.
and who the fuck are YOU, BratKnits, big troll of the big 6, to talk about ANYTHING?
Could you expound on the Carbon Credits?
Doesn't anybody else think it is absolutely appropriate that Ravelry is for and about sheeple. After all, originally, yarn comes from sheep. So Ravelry really should show favoritism to people who are at heart sheep. If you have no ability to think critically whatsoever, Ravelry really is the place for you.
Good for you Ravelry. The sheeple are completely unrepresented in so many other venues in life. As an example, you don't find sheeple at all in the fields of mathematics or physics or such because of the intelligence filter. Ravelry is for the sheeple! Sheeple unite! The wolf doesn't always win. By gathering together, the sheeple, with the help of their Ravelry overlords, can destroy all the non sheeple. Power to the sheeple!
You are right on the money. Ravelry have taken a once shared fun activity and turned it into a money making bundle tied up with their rules and laws.
Ravelry is full of women who have no respect for others.
Ravelry.com sucks
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