Well, it's been busy as all heck here. The furnace is not-quite-dead but on it's last legs. It is over 40 years old so time for a new one. The gas company couldn't find time to come out with an estimate for a new one but Home Depot did soooooooooo, we're getting a Trane. Thing should just about pay for itself in not too many years. It seems our old furnace was about 65% efficient and the new one is going to be 92%. We'll see that next winter for sure. Mom and dad still technically own the house so they have to foot the bill on this one. Maybe it died right on time.

I made my first ever Hot Cross Buns this weekend. Nana's not up to making them herself this year but she wanted them so the request came to me. They came out pretty good. Mom, Nana and Papa all loved them. The only thing is, everyone else hates hot cross buns, including me. So we have a lot left over that went to work with Mom this morning.

Nana gave me one of her cookbooks this weekend and a chafing dish. I'm grateful for both, the cookbook had Nana's notes in it, I love that. I think this is the quickening of a trend at Nana's though. The past few years she's been giving away a lot of the stuff she doesn't use anymore. Now that she's doing hospice and letting the cancer run it's course I think she's trying to empty the house so it's not a task left to Papa when she's gone. I can't decide if it's practical or morbid. There's only one thing I'm super concerned about and I told mom to hint at it. Nana's sewing

I've been knitting away on some smaller projects lately. I just finished a couple shawls, I'm doing the lace thing. Now that hubby and I are going to have the house solo money's going to be tight so no buying yarn until we adapt to the new budget. I have lots of yarn in my stash so I'm starting with the lace weight and I'll move on from there. Of course people are grabbing things as they are finished, eventually there's going to be a spat so I'll just keep going until everyone has something they like.
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