AND STOP WHINING! Massachusetts politics has always been and will always be one of the roughest trades around. It's full of arm twisting and threats and a whole lot of backroom dealings. From the local level up to the state legislature it isn't for the faint of heart or the weak of will. Traditionally a man's game, Massachusetts politics has produced some amazingly tough and full-on ball buster female politicians. Women who learned to play the game as well if not better than than the men. Massachusetts' female politicians were to be admired, respected and even feared. That is, until this week.
As reported on TV, in the
Globe and the
Herald Jennifer Callahan decided to give a half choked almost tearful report of a "threat" she received from another state Representative while speaking to the house. Thankfully Speaker Sal DiMasi closed the session immediately and saved all women from further embarrassment. Seriously I was embarrassed to be a woman after this little bit of whining.
Someone needs to tell Jen how things work she must have missed the memo. She obviously doesn't have the backbone to do her job. Jen, if you get pushed... PUSH BACK. Don't whine, don't cry and for the sake of all that is holy if you are going to whine and cry DO IT IN PRIVATE! You are an elected Massachusetts Representative time to put on your big girl panties and ACT LIKE IT! I was disgusted and embarrassed by your display and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. Madeleine Albright and Margaret Thatcher never whined and they were threatened by bigger and badder men with, you know, WMDs. Stop being a baby. I can only hope you are the proud recipient of a ginormous pair of skivvies at the St. Pat's breakfast next Spring, maybe then you'll get the hint.

Now on to some fun stuff. It's Spring and that means it's time to air out and mothproof my wool yarn and sweaters. Last year I found a munched pair of gloves and went the scary chemical route and mothballed everything. I never found anything else munched so if they were here they're dead now. I dislike chemicals in the house. For one a lot of them are pretty toxic and unnecessary. Second I have allergies and I really think a lot of over the top chemicals in the house make them worse. So while the natural

alternative won't kill the little buggers I'm going to see how well it at least deters them.
I dug out some heat seal jumbo teabags, my iron and a bunch of herbs and EOs that moths don't like. I mixed up a huge batch and filled and sealed about two dozen sachets to tuck in with all the wool. They smell pretty good and it didn't take much time. I'm always on moth patrol so I'll know fast if they don't work. Plus it was fun to do something crafty

for an afternoon.