I say this as the fourth generation in my family to have depended on a union to get fair raises and benefits. Yes, FOURTH. My Great-Grandfather was a part of the Bread and Roses Strike in Lawrence, MA in 1912. These people we're threatened, arrested and beaten for refusing to work for less than a fair wage. My grandfather was IBEW and both my parents members of the teacher's union, I've seen a lot of union activity and more than a few strikes. I've NEVER seen anyone from any union try and argue "lets take it now or they might offer less." This guy needs to have his head examined less S*^T is still S*$T and if all they're offering is S*$T you get tough not wuss out. If this guy had nads bigger than a gnat they'd be planning to cancel the contract and taking a walk NEXT TUESDAY.
Face it, the wives should be negotiating, we know how to pull those short and curlies HARD. I have no qualms whatsoever about pointing out if this exec. spent more time running the company and less time sniping with the other exec. / daughter while that exec. boinks then marries the freakin help and puts her to work so much everyone's sick of her then maybe, just maybe the stock wouldn't be in the toilet and there'd be some money for raises that actually approached the cost of living. Who exactly do these people think they are?

Now, on to happier things. I took a photo of my cool Noro Kureyon tea cozy. Cute huh? I love tea, not that I can afford much of it lately, maybe if I toss that nadless negotiator into the Harbor. I'm really trying to burn through my yarn stash lately so I'm working up a lot of quick projects.
Hmmm, maybe I'll send micro-nads some of the old faberware I found in the cabinet, someone ought to have a pot to piss in when this is all over.